Simple Journal Prompts for a New Year

Simple Journal Prompts for a New Year

Journal to help release, reflect, and grow

Simple journal prompts for a thriving new year


Journaling is a simple way to dive deep brining your thoughts and feelings to light. There are no rules. Just putting pen to paper can be beneficial. Whether it is a brain dump, or answering specific questions. Not sure where to get started? Try these simple prompts to reflect on your year, discover what you'd like to release, and most of all dream of your thriving year to come.

1. Reflect - Write about your top achievements and challenges

Every year comes with its ups and downs. Reflect on them both. Celebrate your accomplishments. You have come so far!

Acknowledge the challenges. What lessons did the challenges teach you? Look from a different perspective. Not all things can be taken at face value.

2. Release - Brain dump all the things you DON'T want to take into the new year

There is always room for growth, unlearning, and rethinking. What habits, conditioning, or negative beliefs are you ready to leave behind?

3. Release - What's the top thing your want to release and why it no longer serves you?

Plan out how to release and replace this habit, conditioning, or negative belief. Get clear on why this is no longer serving you. It is easier to follow through when you have a strong why backing you up. What are you making room for by making this change?

4. Dream - What does a thriving year look like?

Now for the fun part! Hold nothing back. What do you want in the new year? Get down to the details. The more specific your dream is the better chance you have of creating it. If you catch yourself editing or questioning your dreams, stop and breath. You are more than enough and you deserve it all!

5. Dream - List what you can do to accomplish the above

Take one thing from your dream year and list everything you can do to accomplish it. Remember, you have so many wonderful resources to help you, from your community, to the internet. Don't hesitate to ask for help.

What are you waiting for? Go Journal!

Schedule 10-15 minutes in your day to journal. You can focus on a prompt a day or do all 5 in one sitting. Either way, make a commitment to follow through. Putting pen to paper is the first step. Set a date of then you want to complete your accomplishment in #5. Mark it on your calendar and set your plan in motion. Check in each month to reflect on your progress, what's work and not working. You've got this!

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